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Student Testimonial

This school saved my life. If I had to keep going to "regular" high school, I don't think I would ever have graduated. Next gave me the skills I needed and wanted to move out into the real world. I don't know where I'd be without next

Graduate Testimonial

Next Charter School saved me. I was really struggling with a traditional high school setting and not sure how to make my high school experience better. Once I started attending Next, I not only fell in love with learning again but I also found myself. I was pushed academically and personally to be the absolute best version of myself. The lessons I learned at Next have stayed with me even 10 years later. The relationships with my peers and my educators have stayed strong throughout the years as well. Next continues to be a safe place for students and alumni. I am honored to be apart of the community that Next has built.

Parent Testimonial

Next has the most caring and involved staff I have ever met. Without them my oldest would not have graduated. Having the children do internships is extremely helpful for their decision on their future. Every school should have this implemented. This school is a great option for children who really need a a smaller learning environment. This school is truly important to a lot of students and families. I honestly wish there was more like it.

Graduate Testimonial

I had the pleasure of address the board of Education several years ago for the purpose of renewing Next's charter. When I stood before the board previously I spoke of how supportive Next was and how it gave me a path forward where traditional school may not have. Since then I have left Next as a graduate. With time to reflect on my experiences there I have come to realize how wonderful and necessary of an institution Next is. It gave many people such as myself a path forward when we would may gotten lost in a traditional school setting. Next is not just worthy of a renewal of their charter but is a necessity to address the needs of the community and students in the greater Derry area. It is my hope that the board will continue to support Next for many years and that Next can continue to serve the community in a meaningful way.